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機内アナウンスから突然、謎の「うめき声」が…! SNSでは原因をめぐって議論に




The weirdest flight ever. These sounds started over the intercom before takeoff and continued throughout the flight. They couldn’t stop it, and after landing still had no idea what it was.

Twitter: @ActuallyEmerson


え? 機内アナウンスから「あああぁ」「うぉおおお」といった、人のうめき声のようなものが聞こえるんだけど…



「この飛行機は新しい機体なのかな? もしそうなら、誰かが機内Wi-FiかBluetoothを使って、アナウンスシステムにハッキングしたとか…?」

@ActuallyEmerson Looks like a new plane? If so, my guess would be someone figured out how to either intercept/interrupt the announcement system on board through wifi (which is VERY troubling) or there's a Bluetooth component that someone figured out how to connect to, which is less frightening.

Twitter: @SingleGayTweets


@SingleGayTweets @ActuallyEmerson But wouldn’t they be able to identify the guy on board making all those sounds? Since he’s making the sounds lol.

Twitter: @goleafsgo790


@ActuallyEmerson Maybe this plane was haunted. Have you thought about that? 👻 😂

Twitter: @CoValSky_

「私も先週、同じことがあった。フライト中ずっとではなかったけど、ところどころで変な声や音が鳴ってて、着陸したら大声で『Oh Yeah』って聞こえた。パイロットがマイクを切り忘れてたのかな」

@ActuallyEmerson This happened to me last week. It wasn’t the whole flight, but periodically weird phrases and sounds. Then a huge “oh yeah” when we landed. We thought the pilot left his mic open.

Twitter: @windog


@waxpancake My wife and I experienced this during an AA flight in July. To be clear, it was just sounds like the moans and groans of someone in extreme pain. The crew said that it had happened before, and had no explanation. Occurred briefly 3 or 4 times early in the flight, then stopped

Twitter: @bradleypallen


@ActuallyEmerson I would’ve been laughing the ENTIRE flight lol

Twitter: @coryboulieris



サムネイル画像:Getty Images

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