



    1. キム・カーダシアン

    "We're always here for you and love you guys so much"

    2. パリス・ヒルトン

    "My heart breaks for you and John. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you and your family so much love. Love you beautiful"

    3. ヘイリー・ビーバー

    "I'm so so sorry. Thinking of you and John, praying for you guys and sending you so much love during this time"

    4. ロザリオ・ドーソン

    @chrissyteigen Sending you love and virtual hugs from my family to yours. Blessings to you.


    5. ナオミ・キャンベル

    "I'm so sorry for your loss Chrissy and John, you bring us so much joy and laughter. We are here for you through this difficult time"

    6. イライジャ・ウッド


    7. チャニング・テイタム

    "Sending so much love to you right now"

    8. ジョシュ・ギャッド

    I am so desperately and truly sorry. You have our love, you have our prayers, you have our deepest empathy. We are with you in this darkest of hours. RIP baby Jack. Love to you, John, Luna and Miles. 🙏 https://t.co/yaLnWQCBLm


    9. エリザベス・バンクス



    10. ジェシー・タイラー・ファーガソン

    "Sending so much love to you and John and the kids. I wish I could take away your heartbreak"

    11. ヴィオラ・デイヴィス

    "So very sorry Chrissy and John. A big virtual hug of love, love, love, and more"

    12. ビリー・エイチュナー

    @chrissyteigen So, so sorry Chrissy. Thinking of you. ❤️


    13. クロイ&ハリー

    "We are so, so sorry. Praying for your beautiful family and sending love. God bless you"

    14. エミー・ロッサム

    My heart is absolutely breaking for Chrissy Teigen and John Legend. This is a woman who shares so bravely and openly all the joys and sorrows of her life. She is an absolute gift to our world. I am praying tonight for their son and for their family. 🙏


    15. ガブリエル・ユニオン

    "We love you guys so much and we will be here for whatever y'all need. Always"

    16. スザンヌ・クライヤー

    @chrissyteigen You are generous to share your grief just as you are generous sharing your joys. Many of us grieve with you & for you. Many of us have lost babies & children & the grief overwhelms. May you find a way to carry your sadness forward while embracing your joys. You are strong. ❤️




    17. ケルシー・ニクソン

    "I'm so sorry to hear of your devastating loss. It's unbearable pain and feels terribly unfair. I've also been there, loosing my son Leo who was born far too early thanks to a poorly functioning placenta"

    18. セルマ・ブレア

    "I am so sorry angel momma. I am so sorry. This grief. This grief. It will hold you and the love will break through. I am so sorry. Love you. My deepest sympathies"

    19. モニカ・ルインスキー

    @chrissyteigen so very, very sorry... my deepest sympathies to you + your family. 💔💔💔


    20. ビジー・フィリップス

    "I'm so deeply sorry for your immeasurable loss. In awe of your bravery and selflessness in sharing as you have, which is going to help so many women and families. Sending you and your family all the love and light while you grieve"
