

    1. 旅行する時

    being black is having to search what the racism is like in the countries you want to visit.


    2. 身の安全を考える時

    Being black is being in a dangerous situation and not knowing if calling the police will help or make things worse.


    3. 買い物をする時

    Being black is being afraid to leave the shop without buying anything...


    4. 話す時

    being black is being told you're acting "white" because you're well spoken yet people assume you're associated with gangs when you use slang in your sentence


    5. 働く時

    Being black is working as a cashier and having people wait for someone else even though you’re available


    6. 家を探す時

    @caribsprincess Being black is having to search how racist an area is before looking at houses in the area


    7. 髪型を選ぶ時

    being black is having to think twice about what hairstyle you will wear to a job interview https://t.co/lsLJce46Ob


    8. 意見を言う時

    Being black is being labelled aggressive when you’re explaining something you’re passionate about in anything louder than a whisper. https://t.co/Z2QgEMgvTm


    9. 道を歩く時

    Being black is having people cross the street because they’re scared of you.


    10. 意見を言う時

    Being Black is having to tone down your personality in professional work environments to avoid stereotypes. https://t.co/Rr1HtsJYSO


    11. 将来を考える時

    being black is having your parents tell you from a young age to work twice as hard as the opposite race in order to be noticed properly https://t.co/jGLkqxLrj1


    12. 1人でいる時

    Being black is simply minding your business but still being seen as a threat. https://t.co/VR9dSKZTWP


    13. 子どもを名付ける時

    Being black is your parents giving you an English name so “it will be easier for you to find jobs”


    14. 自分を愛そうとする時

    Being black is feeling unattractive throughout your childhood then watching white people appropriate the same features they bullied you for. https://t.co/shOd8S7TxJ


    15. ネット検索する時

    Being black is having to add “for black people” at the end of a google search for more accuracy & representation. https://t.co/kgUm5m9hOH


    16. 日常を過ごす時

    "being black is one of the most extreme sports in America" - Rudy Francisco

    「『黒人でいるというのは、アメリカで1番過激なスポーツだ』- ルーディー・フランシスコ(スポークン・ワードアーティスト、詩人)」


    there is no limit to what we ( black people ) can do as a collective. being black is a gift. 🤎🤎🤎


    この記事は英語から翻訳・編集しました。 翻訳:髙橋李佳子