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TikTok界で流行っている #SleepingDogChallenge(スリーピング・ドッグ・チャレンジ)。



1. まずは、このチャレンジを考えた飼い主さんの愛犬

A brown and black dog sleeps in front of a small treat


2. 目がパッチリ…。力強すぎる

A black dog opens his eyes super wide while looking at a treat

3. 君…本当に寝てた

A black dog stares at a treat being held in front of him

4. めちゃくちゃ早いじゃん

A beige Bulldog opens his eyes while a treat is being held in front of his face

5. ご主人様の安全は考えないのね

A golden lab lays on the floor while looking at a hot dog being held near him

6. 口を開けて爆睡してる君が好き😍

A black dog cuddles with a black and white dog

7. 必死さがすごい伝わる

A black and brown dog grabs at a treat being given to her

8. お上品な反応!

A black dog looks content while taking a piece of turkey

9. 豪快すぎる寝方…

A dog lays upside and almost looks like he's smiling

10. あなたもやっぱり起きるのね

A white dog opens his eyes wide while looking at a treat

11. クンクン…:

A brown and white dog looks at a treat next to him on the floor

12. 🐶いい匂いはどこから?

A black and brown dog sleeps while his owner holds a treat in front of him

13. 必死さが伝わります😂

A white dog sits on a purple blanket and stares at a treat

14. ウトウトしてても食べるのね

A black dog looks sleepy while sitting on a couch

15. は、はやい

A brown and black dog lays on his back while a treat is held in front of him

16. 「え、ご褒美?なんかしたっけ?」って顔がカワイイ❤️

A dog sleeps on a couch while his own can be seen placing a treat in front of him
