This Is How The U.S. Is Reacting To Brexit

"Hey United Kingdom imma let you finish but America had one of the greatest #Brexits of ALL TIME."

The U.S. woke up Friday morning to the news that the United Kingdom had voted to leave the European Union in a historic referendum that made the pound plummet, led Prime Minister David Cameron to announce his resignation, and basically sent the world into an absolute frenzy.

To everyone just waking up in America... #brexit

People in the U.S. were concerned but also a little confused.

as an american, when you know you should care about #brexit but aren't exactly sure why

Others compared Brexit to a Donald Trump presidency.

England is about to give us a preview of "Trump's America." #Brexit

"We should #Brexit." "Who should?" "The U.S." "What?" "The U.S. should #Brexit from America. It'd be YUGE!" "Good night, Mr. Trump." "YUGE!"

People tried to predict Brexit's impact on the U.S. financial markets.

BREAKING: Images from the future: Tomorrow's US stock market open... #Brexit

"and that's how #brexit will affect the global economy" america: "oh yeah yeah we were totally paying attention"

Some people took digs at the former colonial empire.

Hey United Kingdom imma let you finish but America had one of the greatest #Brexit's of ALL TIME

Others wondered how to console British people.

Should I hit up some stressed out Brits on tinder

This person had a very pressing concern.

Wait wait wait. Who gets Hogwarts? #Brexit 😳😳😳

People turned to EU expert Lindsay Lohan for answers.

But this tweet was the absolute pinnacle of the American reaction to Brexit.

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