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10 Things Women Can Do Right Now To Stand For Each Other

If you #Stand4her, you stand for ALL of us.

1. #Stand4her by having zero tolerance for bullying against women — and keep in mind that bullying can occur in even the most innocent of comments.

2. The same goes for misogynistic "jokes"... Nothing innocent about those.

3. Treat empathy as a key word in your life and try to recognise, understand, and celebrate each person's scars.

4. With this in mind, put your kindness forward and don't put anyone down to bring someone else up.

5. #Stand4her by going even further and acknowledging a woman's success with your words and your behavior. Let her know about it.

6. Treat another woman's success as inspiration for your own life and not as a reason for jealousy. She's not your rival; she's your equal, and you're in this together.

7. Don't perpetuate beauty stereotypes if they don't make sense to you.

8. And don't judge other women just because they act differently from how you would act.

9. Speak up for yourself and also on behalf of those who can't speak for themselves. Tell your story and be candid.

10. And finally: Work on your own glow while making an effort to celebrate different women every single day. When you #Stand4her, you share another's hard work and spread her light to everyone you can.

When women see other women changing the world, they feel inspired to do the same. That’s why Avon’s #Stand4her is about sharing and celebrating inspiring stories of women across the globe who are breaking down boundaries. Avon teamed up with Swedish pop duo Icona Pop to create a song that celebrates the world's bravest women. Check it out here:

View this video on YouTube

You can learn about more stories of female courage by clicking here. A world with more empowered women is a more beautiful world.

This post was translated from Portuguese.

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