T.I. Holds A Question And Answer Session On Twitter, Gets Hilariously Trolled

Unsurprisingly, questions soon turned towards his history of arrests and his beef with Azealia Banks.

Rapper T.I. spent nearly an hour participating in an online Q&A with VH1 using the hashtag #AskTI, and it went left almost instantly.

The hashtag was soon filled with questions about T.I.'s legal troubles, his recent beef with Azealia Banks, and his musical endeavors.

So did they have to force you to snitch when you caught that Federal Case or were willingly forthcoming with information @Tip #AskTI

What the FUUUUUUCK were u thinkin when you used the word “preposteralize”?!? #AskTI

. @tip Do you ever just show your badge to go through toll roads without paying? #AskTI

. @tip The streets still wanna know how you, a felon, tried to buy automatic weapons from a federal agent and are out here free. #AskTI

Did you fire the people who allowed you to release TI vs TIP #askTI @Tip

#AskTI @Tip Is Young Dro a good intern?

#AskTI @Tip Who carries around the step stool that you have to stand on to talk to Iggy?

What is the best combination of punches to throw at Mayweather? @Tip #AskTI

#AskTI When you cosigned the "These Hoes Ain't Loyal" were you talking about the one who almost took a charge for you? @Tip

Did Azealia see any stairs yet? #AskTI @Tip

What Fatburger menu item is the best... for throwing at your enemies? #AskTI @Tip

BRUH ... RT @CraigSJ: #AskTI which do you prefer, June weather or May weather?

How many people did you snitch on to get your sentenced reduced? Follow up: will you @ them? #AskTI @Tip

does "TI" stand for "terminally incarcerated"? #AskTI @Tip

does prison have a frequent customer rewards card? #AskTI @Tip

How bad are you gonna fuck up @AZEALIABANKS? #AskTI RT @VH1: .@Tip is here ready to answer your questions! #AskTI

When did you realize the TI Vs TIP album was a mistake? Before or after you left the studio? #AskTI

After ending Lil Flip's career, did you take any ironic satisfaction in turning state's evidence? Are you the bigger Flip now? #askTI

How can you tell if the guy you're buying guns from is a Federal Agent? @Tip #AskTI

The rapper seemed to have a bit of fun with it, though.

Iron Man. He's the weapons specialist. RT @JustVisine #AskTI Hey man big fan here and just wanted to know who is your favorite superhero?

And definitely the best, most important question of all:

What sorcery do you use to keep your hat on at a perfect 90 degree angle? @Tip #AskTI

But there were plenty of earnest questions, too, with really interesting answers coming from the man himself.

My uncles + @pharrell RT @Jotawzrd #AskTI Do you have an idol/person who inspires you? If yes , who ?

Tupac "Me Against the World" RT @quinforster81 What's your favorite album of all time? @Tip #AskTI

1986 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme RT @victoryrn_ What was the your first car? #AskTI

If you can get away with it, go for it. Guess that's some kind of hustle. RT @BeigeTilDeath Can I put my cable bill in your name? #AskTI

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