Trump Supporters Spar With Opponents In Brazil

About 50 people came to the event, which ended with supporters and opponents spewing insults back and forth.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump received unexpected support at an event in Brazil on Saturday, before anti-Trump protesters clashed with the group.

About 50 people gathered on Paulista Avenue in São Paulo to show support for Trump.

The organizer was 26-year-old lawyer Leandro Mohallem. He believes that supporting Trump is necessary for the US to prevent the election of Hillary Clinton, whom he sees as the "American Dilma" — referring to Dilma Vana Rousseff, Brazil’s first female president who was eventually impeached.

Organizador de ato pró-Trump no Brasil diz que Hillary é a "Dilma americana". Faz discurso em inglês.

He made a short speech in English and ended with an enthusiastic "Make America great again," and the crowd chanted, "Trump! Trump! Trump!"

Right-wing activists sang in support of the Republican:

"Quero desertar. Vão ver isso no mundo inteiro. Que vexame e a culpa não é minha", diz pedestre antes de pró-Trump…

Some Trump supporters had demonstrated in favor of Dilma's impeachment. This is the case of Rodrigo Ikezili, who makes a living making homemade pizza. He referred to Clinton as a communist.

Manifestante em SP diz que apoia Trump porque acha que Hillary é comunista. Ele ficou meses acampado pelo impeachme…

Later, a group that calls itself Ação Antifascista (Action Antifascist) showed up to challenge the Trump fans. After a confrontation, police detained three people from the group.

One of those arrested was taken down by eight officers.

PMs detêm jovem que foi protestar contra pessoas que se manifestavam a favor de Donald Trump em SP.

Roberto Antonio, 28, took a baton blow to the head. He denied intention to provoke conflict and said he did not expect the "ideological confrontation" to have ended in a brawl.

Manifestante negou provocação e diz que não previa que "confronto ideológico" contra apoiadores de Trump acabasse e…

Police later formed a cordon separating the Trump supporters on the sidewalk from the anti-Trump protesters on the avenue.

The two sides then provoked each other, shouting and telling each other to go "take a bath" or "study."

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