Parents Don't Think The Debate Is Going To Be Appropriate For Their Kids

The presidential campaign hasn't exactly been rated PG lately.

After a week where "grab them by the pussy" and rape allegations made political headlines, parents weren't sure the presidential debate on Sunday would be appropriate for their kids.

In a non-scientific poll by NBC News, parents seemed to fear the language and topics that could come up.

If you are a parent, will you let your children watch debate tonight due to possible topics covered / language used? (non-scientific poll)

And earlier in the day, President Obama refused to repeat the lewd comments Donald Trump made in a 2005 video that was recently revealed. "I don't need to repeat it," Obama said. "There's children in the room."

President Obama calls Donald Trump’s comments “disturbing" examples of "unbelievable rhetoric”…

And that put parents with an interest in politics in a bind: trying to put the kids to bed before Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump took the stage.

Currently in complete panic that my kids won't be asleep by the time the debate starts and could hear it. That's where we are in 2016.

It's come to this, America - Trying to get kids to bed early so they won't be exposed to NC-17 presidential debate

How sad. Responsible parents in this country must ensure kids are in bed b4 8pm in order to AVOID watching vulgarity of PRESIDENTIAL debate!

They should broadcast the #debate on 30 second delay tonight. I don't even feel comfortable having it on with my kids in the room. -cp

I'll have to make sure my kids are out of the room during the presidential debates tonight. That's really sad. #debate

Debates used to be something parents were encouraged to watch with their children. Now we're encouraged to keep kids away. New lows. #debate

Just realized that the fact we are going to watch the debate at a friends house so our kids don't accidentally see it is kind of terrifying

I have a feeling tonight's #debate is probably not a good night to teach your kids about politics. Crossing my fingers for some civility

The only silver lining in this landfill of an election is that my son is too young to understand it.

Warning running before tonight's #debate, probably


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