Quantos % millennial antenado/a é você?

"Quem é cool aí, meu?"

Marque todos os álbuns dessa lista que você conhece:

Animal Collective, "Merriweather Post Pavilion"

Radiohead, "Kid A"

Madvillain, "Madvillainy"

Amy Winehouse, "Back to Black"

Air, "Talkie Walkie"

J Dilla, "Donuts"

Vampire Weekend, "Vampire Weekend"

The Mountain Goats, "Tallahassee"

Outkast, "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below"

Bright Eyes, "Lifted"

Girl Talk, "Night Ripper"

Wilco, "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot"

Modest Mouse, "The Moon & Antarctica"

Clipse, "Hell Hath No Fury"

Destroyer, "Destroyer’s Rubies"

Bloc Party, "Silent Alarm"

Wolf Parade, "Apologies to the Queen Mary"

Beck, "Sea Change"

Jay Z, "The Blueprint"

The White Stripes, "Elephant"

Little Brother, "The Minstrel Show"

M.I.A., "Arular"

The Strokes, "Is This It?"

Burial, "Untrue"

The Knife, "Silent Shout"

Danger Mouse, "The Grey Album"

Arcade Fire, "The Funeral"

Camera Obscura, "Let’s Get Out of This Country"

Sufjan Stevens, "Illinois"

TV on the Radio, "Dear Science"

Iron & Wine, "The Creek Drank The Cradle"

Dizzee Rascal, "Boy in da Corner"

Sigur Rós, "Ágætis byrjun"

PJ Harvey, "Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea"

The Shins, "Oh, Inverted World"

Justice, †

MGMT, "Oracular Spectacular"

LCD Soundsystem, "Sound of Silver"

Interpol, "Turn On the Bright Lights"

OutKast, "Stankonia"

Yeah Yeah Yeahs, "Fever to Tell"

The Flaming Lips, "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots"

Mostrar meu resultado!


Este post foi traduzido do inglês.

Quem é millennial também curte:

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