Scott Walker Strikes Back At The Donald: "Yes, It Really Is" Frustrating He Sucks Up All Oxygen

"We've taken on bigger challenges than that in Wisconsin and so, I'm not thwarted by that."

Scott Walker is tired of hearing about Donald Trump.

Walker, who wants to run on his conservative record as a Wisconsin governor who was elected three times in a blue state, says mostly around the country he just gets asked about The Donald.

When asked if he found it frustrating that The Donald sucks the oxygen out of the room, his response on 620 WTMJ radio was: "Yes, it really is."

"It's just one of those -- where there's a lot of important issues out there -- but more than often not, around the country that's most of what we get asked about. We've taken on bigger challenges than that in Wisconsin and so, I'm not thwarted by that."

Walked said he's not concerned that The Donald was in first in the latest Iowa poll, adding that his campaign is like a track race.

"For us it's steady, steady as you go," he said.

Trump slammed Walker during an appearance in Iowa late last month after a Walker supporter called Trump "DumbDumb" while fundraising.

"Wisconsin is doing terribly,'' Trump said. "The roads are a disaster because they don't have any money to rebuild them, and they're borrowing money like crazy.''

Walker says The Donald was just using the Democrats' rhetoric.

"He used basically the same Democrat talking points we've heard over the last four plus years here," said Walker. "And, as I noted, they didn't work."

Still, Walker thinks Trump has staying power.

"I think so, mostly just because he's so well known," he said. "He's not just a flash in the pan. He's somebody that people know of because of the years of his name.

Walker concluded by noting Trump was tapping into "genuine frustration" about things not getting done in Washington, but said he'd have to make the case that he was the candidate that could "shake up the status quo."
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