An 8-Year-Old Abuse Survivor Wrote A Beautiful Letter To Thank The Social Workers Who Got Her Adopted

"Now I have a home that is nice and I have three nice meals a day."

An 8-year-old abuse survivor wrote a beautiful letter to social workers to thank them for the work they are doing to help kids.

Marie's handwritten letter was posted on a blog run by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

Her adoptive mom, Michele Surprenant, a social worker herself, wrote on the blog that Marie wanted to write the letter because she knows how much social workers did to help her find a loving home.

Surprenant explained that Marie suffered severe physical abuse in her biological mother's home. Her injuries resulted in her becoming a paraplegic, and she is paralyzed from the waist down.

Marie was admitted to Children's Healthcare in Atlanta when she was 8 months old. She had more than 14 fractures, bruises around her body, and she weighed only 14 pounds.

Marie was placed in Surprenant's home as a foster child, and she eventually adopted her. Surprenant said that her daughter recently asked if she could write the social workers who saved her a thank-you note.

The entire three-page handwritten note was posted on the blog. "I think if you never helped me my life might be awful and lonely," she wrote.

Marie says that she wanted to say thank you for her "warm and safe environment." She also thanks them for "solving" her case, and not letting the "bad guys" hurt her anymore.

Marie added that "the only thing that drives me crazy is our pet dog named Jo. She snores like a vacuum and sounds like an old man."

She finished the note by saying she hopes that "no matter how big or small the case is you will always at least try and help the kids."

And it just so happened, Marie's case worker saw the letter and commented on the blog.

Rita Goodman, who is now retired, told Marie that sometimes she has to use a wheelchair herself now, and that she has always kept her in her heart.

"I'm so glad to hear you are happy. I am also so proud of you. You are one of my best memories of the 12 years I spent in child welfare," she wrote.

Surprenant said in the blog that Marie is a straight-A student and a loving, happy child.

Marie's differences don't stop her from being a normal kid, she added.

"She learned to push her wheelchair on her own at 17 months, and we've been chasing behind her ever since," she said.

The family currently has an online fundraising page for help with Marie's care.

Surprenant told BuzzFeed News that Marie has always had a loving heart.

"Marie saw a lot of foster babies in our house growing up, so I think that's part of why she's a grateful child. Well, and she's just a kind spirit too," she said.

The foster mom also shared with BuzzFeed News a new letter Marie had written to thank those who have supported her since hearing her story.

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