Everything Is Awesome At New York City's Historic Stonewall Inn

The historic gay bar was the site of the 1969 Stonewall riots, where LGBT people stood up against police harassment and sparked the birth of the gay rights movement.

The Stonewall Inn in New York City is the home of one of the most important events in the history of the campaign for LGBT rights – the riots of 1969. The Inn calls itself the "birthplace of the modern gay rights movement."

People have flocked to the Inn during historic moments – like when New York state legalized same-sex marriage in 2011 or when the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013.

On Friday, after the Supreme Court's landmark ruling extending marriage rights to LGBT people across the United States, crowds flocked once more to the cradle of the gay rights movement.

There was dancing...

There's a dance party happening at the Stonewall Inn. SCOTUS just decided the weekend starts early this aft...

Lots of pride flags...

So many rainbows in the West Village today!

And lots of reverie.

John Caminiti, 53, is "overwhelmed and thrilled for the people in states that didn't have equality."

Brett and Travis feel "excited and happy."

Laura Kradas feels "great that we can move on to fight for other rights," such as those of trans people.

Gabe, 45, came straight to the Stonewall when he heard about the decision.

Tom Pantages, 64, was at Stonewall on the night of "the revolution." He is "exhausted" after 40 years of fighting.

Earlier this week, the bar was declared a landmark by New York City officials for its importance to the LGBT rights movement.

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