13 Facts That Will Make You Too Aware Of Your Eyes

Eyes are amazing, but also kind of gross when you think about it.

1. You probably blink around 15 times a minute.

2. But the number of blinks varies hugely between people.

3. One blink lasts between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds.

4. Blinking can be voluntary, spontaneous or a reflex.

5. Your cornea is one of the only body tissues without blood vessels.

Your cornea is the clear dome-shaped thing that covers the front of your eye, so blood vessels would get in the way of you seeing properly.

(Cartilage also keeps itself blood vessel free.)

6. But scientists think your cornea has the highest concentration of nerve endings in your whole body.

7. You have a mucus-producing layer covering the inside of your eyelid.

8. There are three basic kinds of tears.

9. The makeup of tears depends on why your eyes are watering.

10. Humans are the only species we know of that cry emotional tears.

11. That gunk that hangs out in the corner of your eyes is a mixture of oil and watery discharge.

12. Tiredness, stress and caffeine can all make your eyelids twitch.

13. Oh, and there are mites living in your eyelashes right now.


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