If iOS Worked Like Windows

Quasar is a mod that changes the defining trait of iOS, letting you see and use multiple apps at once. This feels... dirty? And a little amazing.

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Via theverge.com

Via the Verge, this is Quasar, a jailbreak mod for iOS that gives your iPad moveable, resizable, non-full-screen windows, just like a mouse-based operating system. It turns the iOS homescreen into a full-fledged desktop. Well, a medium-fledged desktop. A desktop.

Quasar is either a blasphemous affront to the iOS design philosophy or an crude glimpse at what a converged OS X/iOS operating could look like; in any case, it's $10 and requires that you jailbreak your iPad, and its only real guarantee is that it will be pretty buggy.

I like this as a piece of alternate history. It's what might have happened to iOS if Steve Jobs, Jony Ive and Scott Forstall were significantly lazier, or at least less incredibly stubborn.

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