How This Winter's Blizzards Slowed Down New York And Boston

Using fitness apps to track a city.

Human is a fitness-tracking app that uses the increasingly sophisticated motion sensor in your smartphone to give you data about your physical activity. It runs in the background, and keeps track of whether you're walking, running, cycling, or driving, then reports back. Data culled from the Human community at large is also useful for picking up on trends, like how a city moves -- or, more recently, how it doesn't move due to winter storms affecting people's daily activities.

The average New Yorker is active for over an hour every day. Usually they spend just under 20 minutes on the subway, and walk an average of 1.3 miles. During the worst weather this winter, that dropped significantly, both when it stormed and when the temperature dropped.

On average, Human users in New York are more active than those in Boston, spending seven more minutes active each day and about five minutes less on the subway. They do, however, travel almost three quarters of a mile less per day.

Human analyzed walking speeds to find out how much a blizzard slows you down. The answer: about 10%.

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