8 Reality Shows That D.C. Really Needs

You know you want it.

1. Skinterns

Where college sorority girls come to D.C. and try to make it "on staff."

Lots of fake IDs and shared housing. Many trips to Georgetown.

Every season ends with the interns going home and lower level staffers on the Hill calling them.

2. Real Tourists of D.C.

Cameras follow around D.C.'s most popular tour companies, showing the lovable exploits of tourists from around the globe.

Taking pictures with iPads and making phallic motions with the monuments, there is no Segway spill the cameras will miss.

And everyone in D.C. can watch it like:

3. Extreme Happy Hour Catering

You know all those free industry happy hours you get blasted at? People actually have to plan those.

Ultimate goal of the show: To make everyone go to work like this in the morning

4. Surviving On A Hill Salary

Lets follow around some staff assistants making 26K a year trying to make it in one of the most expensive cities in America.


And every show can end with the staffers saying:

5. The Real Househusbands of Dupont

Explains itself.

6. Metro's Got Talent

Mind-blowing acts gather in front of judges for a shot at being named D.C.'s "Most Talented."

From street performers, to drunk guys singing on the Metro, all are welcome to show their love of the 202. The winner gets to perform on the Red Line morning commute without police harassment!

And guess who judges the competition?

7. Crisis Comms Team

A behind the scenes look at the D.C. messaging machine with a real life Nick Naylor.

8. Joe and Bo: Time Mysteries

Joe Biden and the lovable first dog solve mysteries through time by sniffing out adventure between official duties.

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