Woman Calls TV Show To Endorse Stop-And-Frisk And Complain About "Those People," Gets Laughed At

But she only supports stop-and-frisk in Manhattan because "you can't expect us to live by the same rules we dictate to other people for heaven's sake!" The host thought she was joking (as did we when we first heard it), but she insisted she wasn't. You be the judge.

Joan from the Upper West Side called in to New York institution NY1 Wednesday night to share her thought's on Stop-and-Frisk and the city's mayoral race.

You see, Joan is against stop-and-frisk in the other boroughs but hahaha you didn't think she wants it repealed in Manhattan did you?

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Joan actually supported Bill de Blasio, the new leader in the polls, but not after she spoke with him at an event and he asked her why he would keep stop-and-frisk in Manhattan?

You can't expect us to live by the same rules we dictate to other people for heaven's sake! Just because people like me are against stop-and-frisk in places like Brooklyn and Queens and Staten Island doesn't mean we don't want it to continue in Manhattan! I mean: Manhattan is special. We are New York! Brooklyn and Queens and Staten Island, I....I don't even like talking about those kinds of places!

Joan added that affordable housing is something some might have to accept but don't go bringing those people around her because she will hate it.

Affordable housing—I mean, New Yorkers accept that kind of thing in the boroughs, but you don't want those people living around you!

NY1 host John Schiumo could not believe what he was hearing and hung up on Joan in short order.

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