Woman Accused Of Fatally Poisoning Her Son So She Could Post About It On Her Mommy Blog

Prosecutors say that Lacey Spears was feeding toxic levels of sodium to her 5-year-old to keep him sick so she could write about it on social media.

Lacey Spears, a 26-year-old from New York, blogged frequently about her son Garnett's illness on social media.

Spears ran a blog called Garnett's Journey. She also ran a Twitter account and was incredibly active on Myspace.

In January, Spears' son Garnett was admitted to Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, N.Y., with dangerously high sodium levels.

Days later Garnett was found unresponsive on his back. An EEG determined he was brain-dead. He was then declared dead on Jan. 23.

After his death, the Journal News did a five-day series called "Losing Garnett The Great." It was a deep dive into years of Spears allegedly making her son sick for attention.

On Tuesday, Spears turned herself in to Westchester County police. Investigators believe that Spears poisoned Garnett with sodium at least twice. The second time was fatal.

According to investigators, she had been medically abusing her son for years. And the internet and the attention her Facebook and Myspace posts brought her only made it worse.

Garnett's medical problems started as early as 9 months, when he was put on a feeding tube. Prosecutors allege Spears suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Spears has pleaded not guilty, but if she's convicted she faces a maximum sentence of 20 years to life in prison.

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