Someone Suggested Calling Pretty People Snacks And It's So Cute, You Have To Do It

You sweet little pretzels.

Last week, 21-year-old Sotonye Jack tweeted an observation he'd had.

I like how we call pretty girls snacks lol I love snacks?

Jack told BuzzFeed News he'd noticed a lot of people giving girls nicknames based around snacks, and he was into it.

I'm going to start calling girls my favorite snacks, you fuckin cute ass bruschetta w cherry tomatoes

"It is really adorable to me and I thought it'd be even more so with an added personal flavor of the favorite food aspect," he said.

Call your girl your favorite snack if you real

Jack's suggestion caught on, people took his advice, asked their partners to call them snack food, and tweeted the responses.

It was super cute.

@maddiecortez11 hey grilled cheese you so delicious hun

Youre my favourite croissant ever

And delicious.

My baby's gonna hit me with that "pepperoni pizza roll" rq

But it worked better for some than others.

Jack told BuzzFeed News that he's being really enjoying responses and is glad to have added his spin on a trend.

Jack also confirmed that he does practice what he preaches. "I've been calling pretty girls my favorite snacks reflexively ever since," he said.

When she's fiercely independent and self satisfied:

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