Scientists Are Having A #CuteOff On Twitter And It's The Cutest

BREAKING: You don't have to be cuddly to be cute.

First there was #JunkOff, where scientists shared pictures of animal genitalia. Now we have a much more safe-for-work version: #CuteOff.

#CuteOff baby animals are the natural follow-up to #JunkOff.

Which makes sense, when you think about it.

It all started with some friendly competition between bat-eared foxes and baby bears.

Ok guys, what #serengeti species are these cuties? #mammalwatching

OMG -@AnneWHilborn's bat -eared foxes may be even cuter than @BenCAugustine's baby bears @whapavt

But it soon escalated. Just look at this little salamander.

A #CuteOff, you say? Here is an eastern red-backed salamander from a herp survey. *drops tiny mic, scuttles off*

And this squirrel glider.

What's cuter than a squirrel glider? *crickets chirping in the backround* Correct--nothing! #CuteOff

And this tiny sea turtle.

#CuteOff @AnneWHilborn (part of research covered under a NOAA/FWS ESA permit)

It wasn't long before all sorts of biologists, and animals, were getting involved.

@AnneWHilborn Did somebody say #CuteOff? Just give up now.

Proving that you don't have to be cuddly to be cute.

Took this a few years back at a @BushHeritageAus reserve in the Simpson Desert. Little thorny devil. #wildoz #cuteoff

Although of course it does help.

.@BushHeritageAus And this adorable dunnart. #wildoz #cuteoff


No animal #cuteoff is complete without baby bobcats from the @SantaMonicaMtns #mammalwatching

Some animals, like this pony, were very keen to get involved.

@AlongsideWild this is the wild iPhone-tasting-baby-polo-pony in its natural habitat. #foal. #yum

Others were clearly used to the camera.

We enter the #CuteOff with one of our Crucifix frogs from when it was a baby #frog

And some, like this hoary marmot, were extremely chill about the whole thing.

For your #CuteOff consideration, a Baby Hoary Marmot from Jasper National Park.

These caterpillars are on their way to say "hey".

3 day old Monarch #butterfly caterpillars - early stages of the greatest #insect migration. #CuteOff #TeamEntomology

This gecko would love to hold your hand.

@HerpSocIreland #TeamHerpetology mammals are cute, but will never be hatchling crested gecko cute!! #CuteOff

And this as-yet-unidentified critter just wants to be your friend.

This insect = cutest thing ever seen in my yard. Just look at those eyebrows & its fuzzy butt. Any1 have ID? #CuteOff

So while beauty may be in the eye of the beholder...'s really hard to argue that baby versions of literally any animal are not cute.

This #CuteOff needs moar inverts: The #SQUEEE is strong in this freshly-hatched little #cuttlefish, Sepiola atlantica

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