This Couple Turned 42 On The Same Day And Did The Cutest Birthday Photo Shoot

The happiest birthday.

This is Yolanda Etheridge and Kerry Wilson, a South Carolina couple that turned 42 together on Tuesday — and commemorated it with the cutest birthday photo shoot.

It was on that first date that the two discovered the share a birthday, Etheridge said.

The two talked every day after that and quickly became "inseparable."

To commemorate their first birthday together as a couple, Etheridge wanted to go all out. She came up with the idea of a photo shoot, complete with matching t-shirts — but her daughter wasn't a fan.

The photo shoot went viral after Etheridge's 19-year-old daughter, Kaelove Richardson, shared them on Twitter.

My mom really met her soul mate at 42. They have the same birthday and took headass pictures to celebrate 😂😂

Richardson told BuzzFeed News she loves how the shoot turned out.

"I've seen my mom go through a lot so I'm really happy to see her happy," Richardson said. "Plus, Kerry is pretty great."

Now, people are obsessing over the cute couple.

@therealkluvv @thefake_mimi My eyes are sweating again

@therealkluvv This is beautiful. I love when people find that special 1 to do headass shyt with.

And people really can't believe they're 42.

42? you mean 24? 😍yes mom!

@therealkluvv Wait I'm sorry how old am I supposed to believe these people are? 🤔🤔

Etheridge said it was a perfect birthday, and that Wilson truly is her "soulmate."

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