A Tiger Kept In A Small Cage Alongside A Stuffed Corpse Has Been Rescued

The Bengal tiger was one of more than a dozen animals rescued from what has been dubbed the "world's worst zoo" in the Gaza Strip.

This is Laziz, a Bengal tiger that was kept in a small cage alongside another tiger's stuffed corpse at a zoo in the Gaza Strip.

The 9-year-old tiger was just one of several animals rescued this week from the Khan Younis Zoo, which activists have dubbed the world's worst.

The nonprofit group Four Paws launched the rescue effort after discovering that Laziz was being kept with the stuffed corpses of other animals that had died of disease and starvation.

Laziz was the last tiger remaining in Gaza, having been among the unlucky group of animals that survived in a region stifled by lack of airport, seaport, and limited access to neighbors.

The area has also struggled to rebound after two wars between Israel and the Islamist militant group Hamas. Egypt and Israel also enforce blockades.

Four Paws had already been visiting the zoo to provide medical aid and food for the animals, which have reportedly long been victims of negligence and years of conflict in the region that has stymied the economy.

The other animals rescued on Wednesday include five monkeys, a porcupine, a deer, and an emu.

In all, 15 animals were removed, most of them destined for an animal sanctuary in Jordan. Laziz, however, was flown to South Africa, where he will be settled at the Lionsrock Big Cat Sanctuary.

Laziz will soon be able to swim in, climb, and roam his new 10,000-square-meter enclosure, according to Four Paws.

Enjoy the new digs, Laziz.

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