This Russian Guy Is Way More Upset About "Game Of Thrones" Than You

He wants the show labeled as rejecting "traditional values" because "1 in 10" characters on the show is a sexual deviant.

This is Vitaly Milonov. He's a lawmaker in St. Petersburg's local parliament who has set his sights on freeing Russians from the grasp of the moral deviancy that is Game of Thrones.

You may recognize him from such crusades as Russia's "anti-gay propoganda" law and trying to ban Apple CEO Tim Cook from entering Russia and spreading Ebola and AIDS.

In a new letter to Russia's Ministry of Culture, Milonov proposed a "concept for the protection of the national information space," according to the newspaper Izvestia. Under his plan, the government would judge works for their "quality."

Some shows would be judged as corresponding to "traditional values." And then there's Thrones, on which Milonov says 1 in 10 characters is a "sexual deviant."

...OK, he may have a point there.

Apparently Milonov hasn't seen an episode of the show, but its reputation is enough for him to declare shows like it allow a "new model" to be "introduced in our conscience, leading people to believe that certain things and events are normal."

Total ongoing censorship is impossible, Milonov said, but "we can and must assign all of this content a sign of quality." Now he's probably hoping that the Ministry of Culture signs on to his plan and Russians go along stoically.

But given that Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows in Russia, the reaction of the Russian people would more likely be something like:

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