Rand Paul: Federal Reserve A "Sexy Issue"

"You’d be surprised."

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said on Thursday that, contrary to what conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer thinks, the Federal Reserve is a "sexy" issue.

“He needs to come to some of our rallies," Paul told Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson when asked about Krauthammer calling America's central bank unsexy. "You’d be surprised. I get people from all walks of life, including guys who are welders and electricians, who show up and are unhappy that the Fed is stealing the value of their dollar, that the Fed seems to be making income inequality worse."

Arguing that that income inequality was not just a "Democrat issue," the Republican presidential candidate went on to say, "There are those of us on the Republican side who have seen government distributing income and allowing the rich to get richer and the middle class to have their wages stolen from them. That comes from the Federal Reserve. And you’d be surprised, that it’s a little more of a sexy issue than Charles understands.”

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