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Whimsical flowers, dinosaurs, butterflies, bandaids, and blocks on a teal blue background
A multi-color building block


Calling all parents who need a laugh break, hacks and advice you'll actually use, and the viral stories you'll hear about at the school drop-off. Consider us your go-to playdate friends!

Two images side by side; on the left, a person voting, and on the right, a hand holding a smartphone with love icons. Text: dating someone with different political beliefs

Voters Are Sharing Why They Would (Or Wouldn't) Date Someone From A Different Political Party

"It depends. I'd be open to dating someone with different political beliefs as long as they realize my opinions are also valid. Many people believe only their positions are correct and anything else, therefore, must be wrong. But there is one caveat: they need to believe certain things like LGBT rights, racism, and sexism are bad."

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