Union Super PAC Brands Romney An "Economic Traitor"

    TV and web ad buy to slam Romney on Bain record. Hits Bain and Romney for asking firm to remove American flag while Chinese visitors toured a plant in Illinois.

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    Workers' Voice, the AFL-CIO-affiliated super PAC is out with a harsh new ad campaign Thursday morning branding Mitt Romney an "economic traitor."

    "Bain Capital is outsourcing jobs at Sensata Tech in Northern Illinois to China," the website economictraitor.com states. "When executives from the new plant in China came in to visit the factory, Bain Capital made Sensata staff take down the American flag until they left."

    A television ad featuring the incident will air in the industrial swing state markets: Youngstown, OH; Pittsburgh PA (to hit western OH part of market); and Green Bay, WI, according to the group.

    “Mitt Romney is an economic traitor who desecrated the flag while decimating jobs,” said Workers’ Voice Communications Director Eddie Vale. “It’s bad enough that Romney & Bain destroy American jobs and send them to China. But to make American workers take down our flag while training their Chinese replacements is something only an economic traitor would do.”

    The web ad: