Justice Sotomayor Poses Beside Man With Unfortunate T-Shirt

    He's "Bald Vinny" Milano, king of the "Bleacher Creatures" at Yankee Stadium. [UPDATE: The "No Rules" shirt refers to the "Joba Rules," which limit the frequency with which Joba Chamberlain can pitch.]

    Sonia Sotomayor at Yanks game with bald dude wearing "NO RULES. JUST RESULTS" T. Fitting for lefty activists on bench. http://t.co/YUGAr1NH

    Sonia Sotomayor at Yanks game with bald dude wearing "NO RULES. JUST RESULTS" T. Fitting for lefty activists on bench. http://t.co/YUGAr1NH-- Charlie Hurt

    The shirt makes more sense when you see the back, Vinny points out.