21 Insane Things That Were Actually Said To People Of Color

    "What breed are you?"

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the craziest things said to them as people of color. Here are the most absurd quotes.

    1. "Track and field isn't fair to everyone because black people have an extra bone in their feet that makes them run faster."

    2. “All Asians are gold diggers.”

    3. "You're lucky. You don't look burnt like other black people."

    4. “Are you like woo-woo Indian or gas station Indian?”

    5. “Your vocabulary is big for a black girl!”

    6. “Does your house smell?”

    7. “Wow, you look too dark to be Cuban.”

    8. "Can you see well with your eyes being so small?"

    9. “I had a black roommate last year but I’m so glad I have you now because you’re not, like, black black. You’re cool.”

    10. “I bet I can guess what kind of Asian you are. I’m really good at it; I went through a huge Asian phase in high school.”

    11. “You could definitely pass for white if you had straight hair and maybe a smaller nose.”

    12. “Do you know why black people are so good at basketball? … Because they already know how to run, steal, and shoot.”

    13. “I just love your shape. Ugh, I’m so jealous. When I was growing up black girls weren’t shaped like you.”

    14. “So, do you have papers? Did your parents come illegally?”

    15. “What are you doing working out here? Coloreds should be working in the back.”

    16. "Well, you’re lucky you’re light enough to pass as Asian."

    17. “I wouldn’t date a black girl because they’re all just too crazy and loud. Is that racist?”

    18. “Why are the palms and soles of your feet white?”

    19. "Do black people have black-colored deodorant?"

    20. “What breed are you?”

    21. “I love when you talk ghetto, 'cause you usually sound so white.”

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