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20 Friend Requests We’re Just Not Accepting

Sorry, we're not accepting friends right now. But we'll keep your information in our system if you match any of our future needs. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. The guy that doesn't "get" The Onion

2. The guy that keeps asking if he can get those digits

3. The lady that really, really likes her gun

4. The guy that's a native english speaker

5. The girl that sends way too many game invites

6. The couple that needs to get a chatroom

7. The girl that loves drama . . . but doesn't

8. The girl that asks everyone everything

9. The girl that doesn't have your best interest in mind

10. The guy that gets more attention than you

11. The girl that comments on everything

12. The lady that doesn't know how to send a private message

13. The grandma that's your grandma

14. The guy that doesn't get anything. Ever.

15. The girl that over-shares

16. The mom that's a little racist

17. The guy that's fishing for likes

18. The girl that's always getting inspired

19. The guy that needs a comma

20. The guy that takes everything literally


-Virgin Mobile