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    The Ultimate Global Leader's Superlative Contest

    The world is your high school and its leaders, your classmates. Let's be judgmental.

    The following is a (subjective) quiz aimed at gauging your viewpoint regarding global leaders today, including those beloved G20 leaders.

    The NATO Association of Canada's Program Editors (NAoC) have generated several "Superlatives" and a list of leaders for you to match together in the following quiz.

    Let's see if your matches resemble ours.

    Thank you for completing our quiz! We hope you learned a bit about world politics. If not, we know you at least enjoyed the multiple pictures of Angela Merkel drinking. What a boss.

    You can find other articles, quizzes and news updates by visiting our website: or subscribing to our multiple social media outlets including Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Instagram. Enjoy!

    Disclaimer: The opinions and ideas expressed in this piece do not reflect that of the NATO Association of Canada (NAoC) as an organization.

    The NAoC is an independent non-governmental organization established to foster a better understanding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's goals, including NATO's aim of achieving "peace, prosperity and security."