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    Before You Post That Facebook Picture, Know That It Might Mean You Die Alone

    That got your attention.

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    Or else you can ask the combined boffins of the University of Birmingham, University West of England and the University of Edinburgh, whose research has found that (over)sharing your pictures on Facebook can have a negative impact on your relationships in the real world.

    Bet this is you now

    "It's worth remembering that the information we post to our 'friends' on Facebook, actually gets viewed by lots of different categories of people: partners; friends; family; colleagues and acquaintances," Dr. David Houghton told

    "And each group seems to take a different view of the information shared. Our research found that those who frequently post photographs on Facebook risk damaging real-life relationships.

    "This is because people, other than very close friends and relatives, don't seem to relate well to those who constantly share photos of themselves."

    It makes for startling reading alright

    So it might be time to relax with all the pictures. Or else perhaps...