10 Coffee Facts That Will Keep You Awake

    Ahhh... Coffee... *sighs deeply* Coffee is a labor of love from farmers far and wide. It's a fuel for all-nighters and friendships and productivity. It stimulates your brain well enough to help you save lives. It's a warm hug in a cup. Also, it's a legitimate drug. In fact, it is considered as the most commonly used psychoactive drug in the world. In the US alone, over 3,351 metric tons of coffee are consumed on a daily basis. That's about four kilograms of coffee per person annually. Here are ten more facts you probably didn't know about coffee that would keep you awake for hours.

    1. The most expensive coffees come from poop.

    2. There's coffee everywhere.

    3. Coffee won't make you less drunk.

    4. It'll take more than six hours for half of your coffee's effect to wane.

    5. Males and oldies are more sensitive to caffeine

    6. Children are drinking way more caffeine than they should.

    7. There's no such thing as caffeine addiction...

    8. But even so, you can still experience withdrawal symptoms.

    9. There's also such a thing as "caffeine overdose".

    10. People and animals die (or almost die) of caffeine overdose...