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12 Things That Actually Don't Need To Be 3D Printed

Some technology just goes too far. But some hits the bullseye dead center. When you’re looking for tech that's getting it right, shoot no further than Toshiba.

1. A Statue of Yourself

2. A Fetus

3. An Orange Feather

4. Shoes

5. Mini Shipping Pallets

6. A Mask (Of Your Face, If You're Into That)

7. Tiny Bears on 3D Stairs

8. A Cap for Your Ketchup Bottle

9. Inedible Gingerbread Man

10. Burritos (Cat Not Included)

11. Chickpea Nuggets

12. Pizza

Remember when all you had to worry about printing were your personal essays?

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In a tech world gone wrong, it's nice to know that Toshiba gets it right.