15 Life-Saving Kitchen Hacks

    Including how to keep your produce fresh for longer!

    1. Place plastic wrap around the stems of bananas to extend their freshness.

    2. And to keep strawberries fresh longer, soak them in vinegar and water, then drain, rinse, dry, and refrigerate.

    3. What about lettuce, you ask? Cover a container of it with a paper towel and plastic wrap, then refrigerate.

    4. You thought I'd skip celery and broccoli?? Wrap 'em in aluminum foil, then refrigerate.

    5. OK, one more for good measure: Cut one inch off the bottom of a bunch of asparagus, place them in a jar with two inches of cool water, cover with a plastic bag, and refrigerate.

    6. Give your sink a deep clean with three ingredients you probably already own.

    7. Scrub a greasy pan with eggshells and dish soap.

    8. Make your own cleaning spray with citrus peels, white vinegar, and water.

    9. Brew some lovely tea with apple skins and ginger.

    10. Make a bug repellent out of coffee grounds.

    11. Repurpose an egg carton as a condiment organizer.

    12. Use everyday plastic organizers, like file folders, to get your fridge and freezer in order.

    13. Do the same under your sink or in your cabinets!

    14. Might as well stick one underneath your cabinets, too.

    15. And store your produce in a couple of file folders to keep everything neat and tidy.

    To watch these hacks and more, check out this video. 👍