You Haven't Truly Celebrated Pride Until You've Seen This Babadook Dildo

    Presenting: THE BABADONG.

    Unless you've been hiding in a dark basement haunting a mother and child, you've probably heard that the Babadook — the monster from the 2014 indie horror flick of the same name — has become the LGBT community's latest queer icon, just in time for Pride Month.

    happy pride month from queer icon the babadook

    Our good pal Dooky was (partially) launched to internet fame by a Tumblr post randomly claiming the monster was gay, which, in true earnest Tumblr fashion, sparked a fierce "Babadiscourse" among users.

    People latched onto the idea and seriously ran with it, creating truly glorious fan art that had everybody BabaSHOOK.

    And because the internet is so wonderfully extra, it didn't stop there... *clears throat* THERE IS NOW A BABADOOK DILDO, AKA A BABADONG.

    A "special FX" artist from Los Angeles, working under the pseudonym Billy Raygun, designed this (dishwasher-safe!!!) masterpiece, and placed it on Indiegogo with a fundraising goal fixed at $15,000.

    According to the Indiegogo page, the campaign is only for preorders so that Raygun can first gauge people's interest in the BabaDong.

    BUT if Raygun does reach his goal, he plans to donate 10% of the money to The Lambert House, a Seattle-based center for LGBTQ+ youth that refers them to LGBT-friendly shelters, transitional housing, job training, GED programs, and low-cost colleges.

    So, like, do your part during Pride Month 2017 and donate to the BabaDong campaign???

    Even if you're too horrified to actually insert it into your body, this thing practically BELONGS on your bookshelf or coffee table — I mean, it's an automatic conversation-starter, if nothing else.


    Oh, and remember: