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15 Practical Tips For Decluttering Your Home This Fall

It's time to let go of that expired sunscreen.

Fall cleaning is better than spring cleaning, IMHO. I just decluttered my apartment and I swear my brain reset:

Here are some easy decluttering tips to get you started:

1. Donate anything in your summer wardrobe that never saw the sun this year.

2. Recycle your socks that have seen better days.

3. Rinse and recycle expired bottles of sunscreen.

4. Donate or sell any summer reads you've finished and will probably never pick up again.

5. And recycle any summer magazines you're still holding onto "just in case."

6. Donate at least one of the 8,000 totes you've collected.

7. Give mostly burned citronella candles or other used bug repellents to your local municipal hazardous waste collection.

8. And upcycle the jars from your burned out summer-scented candles.

9. Transform all those Mason jars you "might need again someday" from a giant mess into an herb garden.

10. Don't be afraid to let go of any houseplants that didn't survive the season.

11. Give any leftover soil, fertilizer, or seedlings from your summer gardening to a local nursery or co-op.

12. Return extra berry baskets, boxes, and canning jars to your farmers market or CSA.

13. Go through your office supplies and donate any you don't need to a local school drive.

14. Recycle any boxes lying around from online orders.

15. Donate, recycle, or upcycle any ~swag~ you're comfortable parting with from weddings, conferences, and other events.