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29 Things That Escalated Way Too Quickly

Everything's getting a bit out of hand.

1. This declaration of love.

2. This beverage.

3. This building's floors.

4. These season's greetings.

5. This small talk.

6. This crackdown on anti-social behaviour.

7. This search.

8. This medical query.

9. This romantic advice.

10. This career.

RT @ChildhoodShows: Well that escalated quickly

11. This simple pleasure.

12. This recipe.

13. This burning issue.

RT @Willettgoboom: @therealcliffyb that escalated quickly...

14. This plotline.

15. Carol.

16. This tech question.

17. This road.

18. This parenting advice.

19. These desires.

20. This polite sign.

21. This other polite sign.

22. This hobbit.

23. This reading list.

RT @_youhadonejob: That escalated quickly.

24. This correction.

25. This conversation.

26. This safety warning.

27. This frustrated consumer.

28. This phrase.

29. And this book.