A Brief History Of Fake Memorial Plaques

    In memory of Roger Bucklesby, who hated this park and everyone in it. Please, somebody make some funny signs that are real. Updated: we found it!

    This is the best park bench memorial plaque ever.

    I was walking through London and came across this bench



    I was walking through London and came across this bench

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    Except it's got to be Photoshopped, right? On the grounds that a) nobody else on the internet has ever seen this plaque that's supposedly in a public place in a city with a population of 8 million, b) we can't find anybody with the surname "Bucklesby" on the electoral roll, or anywhere else really, and c) just look at it, the text doesn't even line up with the edges of the plaque properly.


    In general, the rule is "all funny plaques are fake." Like this one, which isn't real. But is funny.

    The history of the Devenish-Phibbs family. Also fake.

    This plaque is real. Jacob Von Hogflume, sadly, is not.

    At last — this one's real! (It's just off Princes Street in Edinburgh).

    @RyLee89 @JudithRosalind I took this in Edinburgh today.



    @RyLee89 @JudithRosalind I took this in Edinburgh today.


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    Well done, J.C.H. (who was often tired).