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5 Poor Energy Drink Decisions

Is one jolt of energy worth a shit load of pain? If so, just keep drinkin!

  • 1. Rockstar Energy Drink

    The Facts: 280 calories 0 g fat 62 g sugars The Bad News: equivalent to eating 6 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnuts.

  • 2. Thunder Muscle

    The Facts: 2,500 calories 400 mg sodium 80 g Sugar The Bad News: Drinking even one sip of Thunder Muscle is comparable to drinking an entire cup of rocket fuel. Stay away, kids.

  • 3. Red Bull

    The Facts: 115 Calories 214 mg Sodium 26 g Sugar The Bad News: Red Bull may claim to give you wings but drinking too much of the popular energy drink may also lead to heart damage.

  • 4. Monster Energy Drink

    The Facts: 100 Calories 180 mg Sodium 27 g Sugars The Bad News: Although delicious, starting a Monster Energy drink habit is likely to lead to caffeine dependency.

  • 5. AMP Energy

    The Facts: 220 calories 58 g sugars 142 mg caffeine The Bad News: AMP is basically a hybrid between Red Bull and Starbucks Double Shot Energy, but with more calories and sugar and without the brain-beneficial coffeerendering it a veritable witch's brew of sweeteners, herbal supplements, and suspicious-sounding additives.