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12 Signs You're Too Deep Into Your Bromance

Can you and your bro match the epic bromance of Vince and Owen?

1. You have your own language of grunts and nods.

2. You have the same tattoo.

3. You'd totally take one in the face for your bro.

4. You share a group calendar to schedule your workout dates.

5. You always get two straws for your brotein shake.

6. You have matching outfits.

7. You always pick-up an extra meatball sub, just in case your bro is hungry.

8. You both enable each other's bad behavior.

9. You have matching business cards that say "brofessional."

10. You always send a Snapchat to say goodnight.

11. And you hope little Derek will grow up to be just as epic.

12. You literally can't breathe without him.

Grab your bro and go see "The Internship". In cinemas on July 3rd.

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