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10 Facts About Tobacco So True They Hurt

Visit THE FACTS NOW to learn more about how tobacco affects you!

1. Every day, 2,100 young “social” smokers transition into actual daily smokers.

2. Only one-third of young smokers will ever quit.

Currently, 1,300 people die every day from smoking.

3. Ammonia, a substance found both in dog pee and household cleaning products, is also in your cigarettes.

4. Surprisingly, using chewing tobacco actually makes you more likely to start smoking.

5. Nicotine is as addictive as heroin and cocaine.

6. One hookah session contains around 46 times the amount of tar from a single cigarette.

7. Cigarettes don’t relieve stress.

8. The tobacco industry targets young people to replace older smokers who will die of smoking-related causes.

9. The tobacco industry targets African American communities more than any other racial demographic.

10. Tobacco is even hurting those who don’t smoke!

Don’t fall for the tricks. Visit THE FACTS NOW to learn more about how tobacco affects you.