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    Expert Opinions

    Expert Opinions We are very interested in what the experts have to say. You can be in any relevant field, from the medical industry to engineering, general technology, or other sciences including expertise in: nano technology, biotechnology, computer technology and information technology. We are also interested in non medical opinions as well, for example: if you or someone you know has been affected by disease, we want to hear your story. The Cure is Now consults with experts in their respective fields regarding all aspects of our operations. Additionally, we are seeking information for early disease diagnosis, therapy selection, patient recruitment into clinical trials, predicting predisposition to disease and providing valuable information for the design of new treatments. Each consultation should include an ‘expert opinion’ document, in which authors are asked to provide their personal view on the current status and future direction of the research discussed. Please send us your expert opinion to: and place “expert opinion” in the subject line, followed by your topic.