14 Funny Internet Posts To End Your Week On A Very Good Note

    "Oh, I REALLY needed this!" —You, reading this post.

    1. Good news: Laura Dern *does* know who Baby Yoda is!!!

    2. Also, Baby Yoda joined the Sims universe and I am. So. Happy!!!

    Players: But what about children? Sims: We love The Child too.

    3. These Elves on the Shelf had seen better days:

    My mom set up my brothers elf on the shelf like they were playing in snow and the last three pictures is what we woke up to instead...

    4. This professor...he won my heart!!!

    Y’all need to see this video collage of all the crazy things my Physics Professor did this semester😭. He’s in his 70s and is still doing all of this for us🥺💛

    5. This dog was straight VIBIN':

    This dog dancing to Reggaeton is the best thing you’ll ever see today

    6. This young fashion designer crafted some lovely little lewks:

    Ok so for weeks I been doing laundry, trying to figure out why I keep finding holes in all my daughter socks right... Y’all, she been over here cutting holes in her socks to make outfits for her dolls 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂 I just-

    7. Jack Black forgot he was in a holiday movie and also I am now obsessed with Jack Black:

    Jack Black forgot he was in a holiday movie for a second there

    8. This was simply mesmerizing:

    My high ass over here amazed by this shit

    9. Ryan Reynolds met the Peloton Woman™ who was also in a commercial for his gin company that parodied the Peloton commercial and...yeah, it *is* a lot:

    10. The internet kinda couldn't stop talking about Marriage Story:

    thats literally her job as an actress....... https://t.co/VSOGRfwkz8

    11. Timothée Chalamet said he would play a tree in a Greta Gerwig film and now I want him to do that very badly:

    12. This roommate certainly made a CHOICE:

    One of my roommates broke a bowl in half and then just put it back in the cupboard like it was gonna sleep it off

    13. This sandwich was absolutely stuffed:

    I don’t know what message she’s trying to send, but the lady at my bodega snuck an entire salad into my turkey sandwich.

    14. And finally, Lil Nas X paid tribute to Boyz 'N Motion AKA the GREATEST BOY BAND OF ALL TIME:

    Wanna see more of the best stuff on the internet? Check out our Best of the Week page!