These 6 Easy Snack Boxes Are The Perfect Way To Stay On Track With A Busy Schedule

    These will make saying "no" to that office doughnut so much easier.

    6 Easy Snack Boxes

    Mediterranean Box

    Servings 1


    1 cucumber, sliced

    ½ cup cherry tomatoes

    1 cup grapes

    ½ cup pita chips

    2 tablespoons hummus


    1. Place cucumbers into box.

    2. Place tomatoes into box.

    3. Place grapes into box.

    4. Place pita chips into box.

    5. Scoop hummus into box.

    6. Refrigerate until ready to eat.

    7. Enjoy!

    Americano Box

    Servings 1


    4 crackers

    2 slices low-sodium turkey

    1 cup carrots

    2 tablespoons low fat honey mustard


    1. Place crackers into box.

    2. Roll up turkey slices and place into box.

    3. Place carrots into box.

    4. Scoop honey mustard into box.

    5. Refrigerate until ready to eat.

    6. Enjoy!

    Yogurt Parfait Box

    Servings 1


    1 cup Greek yogurt

    1 cup mixed berries

    ½ cup almonds, sliced

    2 tablespoons honey


    1. Scoop Greek yogurt into box.

    2. Place mixed berries on top of Greek yogurt.

    3. Place sliced almonds into box.

    4. Pour honey into box.

    5. Refrigerate until ready to eat.

    6. Enjoy!

    Peanut Butter Protein Box

    Servings 1


    1 apple, sliced

    ½ cup celery

    ½ cup pretzels

    2 tablespoons peanut butter


    1. Place apples into box.

    2. Place celery into box.

    3. Place pretzels into box.

    4. Scoop peanut butter into box.

    5. Enjoy!

    Lettuce Wrap Box

    Servings 1


    2 pieces lettuce

    ½ cup peppers, sliced

    ½ cup carrots, sliced

    ½ cup edamame

    ¼ cup cashews, chopped

    1 cup oranges, peeled

    1 tablespoon Sriracha


    1. Place lettuce into box.

    2. Place sliced peppers, carrots, edamame, and cashews inside lettuce.

    3. Peel oranges and place inside box.

    4. Pour sriracha into box.

    5. Enjoy!

    Rice Cake Box

    Servings 1


    2 rice cakes

    1 egg

    ½ avocado, sliced

    1 teaspoon red pepper flakes


    1. Cut rice cakes into smaller pieces and place into box.

    2. Place the cooled hardboiled egg in the box.

    3. Place the avocado into the box.

    4. Pour red pepper flakes into bowl.

    5. Refrigerate until ready to eat.

    6. Enjoy!