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Here's What Happened When Americans Tried To Label Just "Manitoba" And "New Brunswick"

Who says they are the two overlooked provinces, eh? Who says.

Long, long ago, we asked our American colleagues to label a map of Canada to the best of their abilities.

Their abilities were, apparently, abysmal. But we found out there were a lot of provinces in their lexicon, they just couldn't quite place them.

But nearly everyone forgot that two of them even exist: Manitoba and New Brunswick.

So, we asked Americans to label just Manitoba and New Brunswick — just the two! Easy peasy! — on a map of Canada. Regretfully, here's what happened:

They were nowhere close.

Just guessing, at best.

Could have been labelling Czechoslovakia.

Some informed reasoning didn't help.

This person rationalized that "if they were the two most forgotten provinces, they must be in hidden and remote places."

"Same." — This person.

Non, mes amis. Nononononononon.

Spoiler: Nobody got it right.

None of them. 0/2.



But wait! What is this! If you overlook the misplacement of Manitoba, and the uncertainty of what is land and water... Someone reluctantly, but correctly, identifies New Brunswick! A beacon of hope???
