8 Things Women Should Know About Exercising During Pregnancy

    With your doctor's permission, exercise is usually fine during pregnancy.

    You're pregnant. Congratulations! More good news: If you're feeling up for it, physical activity is encouraged — with some caveats.

    1. If you've exercised before your pregnancy, you feel up to it, and you don't have any health reasons not to, you should be able to continue.

    2. You usually need to increase your calorie intake, but the amount may vary.

    3. Make sure to drink enough water.

    4. Don't forget the warm up/cool down to avoid injuries.

    5. Show your pelvic floor some TLC.

    6. Work your deep core muscles without doing crunches.

    7. Consider low-impact cardio workouts such as swimming.

    8. Be flexible and adapt workouts as necessary.

    Now go slay that workout!