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23 Problems That Are All Too Real For Australian Twentysomethings

How am I meant to save up for a house and pay off my HECs at the same time?!

1. Trying to find a full-time job.

2. Attempting to save up to buy a house.

3. Doing the above while also trying to pay off your HECs.

4. When the government tells you all you need is a good job to afford a good house, and you're like, "HAHA, thanks, Joe, but I don't think it's that easy!"


5. Basically when anyone tries to lecture you about finding a job.

6. Finishing uni and having all post-graduate or entry-level jobs state you need at least two years experience in the field.

7. When you figure out your degree was basically worthless so you fork out more money to start all over again.

8. Completing numerous unpaid internships for the "experience".

9. Thinking you'll have to rent or live in a share-house for the rest of your goddamn life.

10. Which generally means you can't buy that puppy your heart has been begging for anytime soon.

11. Being told the best age to have your first child is still probably before 30.

12. Or the moment when you log into Facebook and see more and more people uploading photos of babies and you're like, "I made a food baby today!"

13. When you think of your parents at your age and how much they had accomplished vs. you and it makes you shudder.

I turned 29 today. My parents supported a family of 5 when they were 29 whereas I just had wine and nachos for dinner. 29 is the new 11.

14. Having to use technology like Tinder to find a date.


15. Forgetting how to actually make new friends without the use of technology.

16. Being judged for still drinking cheap drinks like goon and Passion Pop.

17. Knowing you have to save a small fortune to go on an overseas holiday.

18. Though feeling like you never actually save adequate amounts of money, because the cost of living is so damn expensive.

19. Spending way too much money on a gym membership and then struggling to find the motivation to go.

20. Finding that right balance between a healthy lifestyle and having fun.

21. Having 10,000 different diets fads thrown your way and trying to figure out which ones actually work.

22. Constantly comparing yourself to other successful twentysomethings.

23. And finally deciding, fuck it, at least my Sims are successful adults and making do with that for a little while instead.

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