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The Conjuring



『死霊館』『悪魔の棲む家』『悪魔のいけにえ』…ホラー映画ファンじゃなくても、一度はタイトルを目にしたことがあるのでは? これ、実は本当に起きた出来事に基づいているんです…。

The Daunting Task Of Making “Furious 7” Without Paul Walker

It wasn't enough that director James Wan had to mourn the death of one of his film's biggest stars halfway through filming — he also had to find the strength to finish the movie and then figure out how to do it.

The 28 Most Memorable Movie Posters Of 2013

Some posters are memorable because they are stunning examples of how a single, arresting image can pull you in. Some posters are memorable because they make you curse Photoshop and all it has wrought upon the Earth.

The 16 Biggest Summer Movie Surprises, Both Good And Bad

Iron Man 3, Fast & Furious 6, and Man of Steel were always going to be hits, and no one thought R.I.P.D. was going to do well — but sometimes the summer movie season can truly surprise you.

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