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Jodie Foster

12 coming-out de stars

« Je suis comme un mec avec les filles. » Politicien, acteur ou sportif, quand une personnalité publique décide de révéler son homosexualité, ça passe rarement inaperçu.

Trailer For Roman Polanski's "Carnage"

Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, John C. Reilly, and the bad guy from "Inglorious Basterds" star in Roman Polanski's dark comedy about two yuppie couples who try to resolve their children's schoolyard skirmish. "Carnage" is slated for a December release. (via.)

Lane's Pillow Lips

Nathan Lane is releasing a product meant to "boost lip volume up to 40 percent," which makes sense because -- oh wait, no, that makes NO SENSE AT ALL.

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